Binary Search The method is based on the Divide-Conquer algorithmic strategy. Precondition For Binary Search Data must be organized in a linear way. Data has to be in the sorted oder in either ascending or decending order. Advantages of Binary Serach Worst case time complexity is O(log2n), which is very efficient compared to linear search O(n). Disadvantages of Binary Search Data has to be in sorted order. Complexity of Binary Search Best Case :-The key is found at the middle position after 1 comparision. -The best case time complexity is Ω(1). Worst Case :-The Worst case time complexity is O(log2n). CODE 👇 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int first, middle,last, n, i, search, a[100]; setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("ENTER THE SIZE OF ARRAY:"); scanf("%d", &n); ...